
Below are a few remarks about this census:

Inclusion criteria: Only full-scale presses are included in this website. There are many one-third, one-tenth, or one-twelfth scale models. These are not included in this website. There are several presses build for films, theatres, and television shows. These were not intended as ‘printing presses’ but as film props.

Image quality: I have not changed or enhanced any of the photographs. They show the original quality in the original size. If a photograph is ‘small’, it just indicates that I have not found a larger original. Large originals can be seen by clicking on ‘full size’ in the caption. This will open a new tab in your browser.

Attributions: I’ve tried to find the names of the photographers. That was not always possible. Many photographs are published on the internet without any additional information. On the other hand, many digital files contain a wealth of details about the photographer, the location, the camera, and the file-format. I might have included photographs that are proprietary: please get in contact and we’ll find a solution. If the photographer explicity stated that photographs should not be used, I’ve included links to their websites.

Research method: The census would not have been possible without the current webtools. Google’s search engine for both text and images, Google’s map with the related photographs, Google translate, FaceBook, Pinterest, were just the start. The collections of digitized newspapers in the USA, UK, the Netherlands, and Belgium provide another tool to search for wooden presses.

Acknowledgements: Many people have helped me by providing data, photographs, and links. Below is an alphabetical acknowledgement list.

Claire Bolton
Joan Boudreau
Andrew Brown (Centre international d’étude du XVIIIe siècle)
John van Cauteren (Gemeente Weert, The Netherlands)
James Clough
Filip Cremers
Richard Day (Vincennes State Historic Sites)
James W. Draper (Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum, Grand Rapids, USA)
Joshua Eddings
Erik Geleijns (Museum Meermanno, Den Haag, Netherlands)
Patrick Goossens
Seth Gottlieb
James Green
Gary Gregory
Ed Gyllenhaal (Glencairn Museum, Bryn Athyn (PA), USA)
Per Henningsgaard
John Horn
Guy Hutsebaut
Frans Janssen
Austin Jones
Tom Kelleher (Curator of Mechanical Arts, Old Sturbridge Village)
Herwig Kempenaers
John Lane
Pete Le May (Shakespear’s Globe, London)
Ole Lund
Hugh Macfarlane
Cynthia Marquet (Cocalico Valley Historical Society, Ephrata, PA)
Alan May
James Mosley
Paul Nash
Janice Nass (Martin Luther College, New Ulm, MN)
Stan Nelson
Robert Oldham
Gerard Post van der Molen
Teri L. Reynoso (Special Collections, The Public Library, Albuquerque)
Roger Russo
Stephen O. Saxe
Gwenn Scott (Fiddlers Grove Historical Village)
Iain Stevenson
Jason Sutcliffe (The Dick Institute, Kilmarnock)
May Tove Nyrud (The Norwegian Printing Museum, Stavanger)
Philip Weimerskirch
Jack Williams (The Uncommon Press, New Hampshire)
Johan de Zoete