Press 2: Original Ramage
[See both presses of the New Mexico History Museum (NMHM).]
Website: “Ramage Press The oldest piece of equipment exhibited here is a Ramage Press. On loan from the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C., it was built about 1820 and is an example of the type of press first brought to New Mexico in 1834. Josiah Gregg, a trader on the Santa Fe Trail brought a Ramage from St. Louis, Missouri. It was used in Santa Fe for a short time to produce a newspaper titled El Crepusculo de la Libertad (The Dawn of Liberty) as well as a Spanish grammar book by Padre Antonio José Martínez called Cuaderno de Ortografia. Later the press went to Taos where it was used for several years by Padre Martínez and his printer Jesús Maria Baca. The Ramage remained New Mexico’s only press for thirteen years.”